Our services


The latest in skincare technology. Hydrodermabrasion utilizes the natural healing power of water and oxygen to effortlessly exfoliate the skin texture, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and giving deeper hydration to the skin. Blood circulation is improved which leads to greater collagen production and thus skin tone improvements. Results obtained are smooth moist skin, reduced wrinkles, scars, acne etc.  

Oxygen Jet Peel

The Jet Peel is a virtually painless skin treatment procedure that dramatically improves the appearance and texture of your skin in a rapid manner and provides a discernible enhancement to the recipient from the very first Jet Peel treatment session. The Jet Peel treatment combines 100% oxygen and sterile saline to gently cleanse and hydrate the skin. Result obtained include oxygenate and rejuvenate deeper layers of skin. 

Laser Liposuction (Smart Lipo) :

Laser Liposuction (Smart Lipo) : Take away resistant fat in tummy, buttocks, arms, chin etc.. supported by strict diet regimen.

Platelet Rich Plasma - PRP  
PRP has become a highly sought-after non-stimulate new cell growth, helping to improve your complexion, skin texture and to restore lost facial volume.-surgical procedure for facial and skin rejuvenation. PRP therapy is a treatment which uses your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell growth, helping to improve your complexion, skin texture and to restore lost facial volume. 

MicroDermabrasion (Diamond):

In this type of treatment, dead skin cells are exfoliated and vacuumed off the face with a machine that uses tips covered in tiny diamonds. It increases the blood flow to the skin, and that in turn helps to produce collagen. A reliable treatment for skin issues like wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, uneven skin tone, or strech marks and pigmentation.  

Laser permanent hair removal

If you're not happy with shaving, tweeting or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering. 


Psoriasis is a long-lasting autoimmune disease characterized by patches of abnormal skin. These skin patches are typically red, itchy, and scaly.  


Eczema (atopic - dermatitis / seborrheic

You may scratch affected areas during the day or during sleep without realizing it. Usually, causes a skin outbreak. The irritated skin can grow thick & wrinkled.

Growing flesh removal

Permanent Removal of Skin Growths is now Fast, Easy, and Affordable!

A safe, non-invasive treatment that permanently removes unsightly skin growths from your face and body.


Vitiligo is a condition in which white patches develop on the skin. Any location on the body can be affected and most people with vitiligo have white patches on many areas of the body.Growing flesh removal


Biopsy is an examination of tissue removed from a living body to discover the presence, cause, or extent of a disease.
If you have any questions about the biopsy prior to the procedure or about the results, don't hesitate to talk with our doctor. 

Stretch Marks Removal

If you have stretch marks, you're not alone - and you're in good company. Reportedly mega-model Cindy Crawford got them, so did actresses Halle Berry and Kate Beckinsale, among countless other women,

Scabies Treatment

A mite causes this common skin condition. Called the human itch mite, this eight-legged bug is so small that you cannot see it on the skin.

Lota Treatment

The scientific name for lota skin disease is pinta, which is derived from Spanish means the painted or spotted one.


Mole removal

A melanocytic nevus (also known as "nevocytic nevus" is a type of lesion that contains nevus cells (a type of melanocyte).

Corn removal

Corn (or clavus, plural clavi or clavuses) is a distinctively shaped callus of dead skin that usually occurs on thin or glabrous (hairless and smooth) skin surfaces, especially on the toes or fingers 

Allergy Testing

Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling, or asthma. Allergies can range from minor to severe. Anaphylaxis (an acute allergic reaction) is a severe reaction that can be life-threatening. Doctors use skin and blood tests to diagnose allergies.

Sri Skin and Beauty Medical Center
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